

IG: mister.miguel
Twitter: @mrmiguelcanada




Mister Miguel was born in a need of acceptance when society is at a tipping point about LGBTQ rights. “I take this year’s social situation in North America as a warning. We need to stick together to protect ourselves and all minorities, to protect the evolution and advancement of our generation.” His writings tend to be about his idealistic views on many topics like sexuality, love and life experiences as a broader subject. After releasing his first single Boy Toy, he decided to work on tracks that he has an even deeper attachment to. “This time, I felt the need to write about romance and positivity, about feeling fearless and hopeful. It’s far from being my usual first instinct as I tend to float in darker waters. I found it enriching both for my music and myself to be able to incorporate different writing approaches, and a different music aesthetic to my signature. I guess falling in love deeper with my art, with my surroundings and my life, make me a stronger person and therefore, a more aware, conscious and honest creator.” His new music is uplifting, sentimental, fun, while staying true to his edgier style. His true nature resides in his genuine love for performing for an audience, as he celebrates diversity without any boundaries. “We shouldn’t be living in a society where you need to pretend to be someone you’re not to fit in. People deserve to see and understand the reality that everybody is different. Being different is not bad at all. In fact, diversity is the most beautiful thing in the world.” No need to mention his love, devotion and support for the LGBTQ community that he also calls his own.


Mister Miguel is a Toronto based singer, songwriter and dancer born and raised in Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Québec. He studied at The School of Toronto Dance Theatre where he had the chance to learn from so many artists and monuments of Contemporary dance. Through dance, he discovered how much music has always influenced him and had always been part of who he is. “Dance connects you to your body, music connects you to your soul.” During his studies in Toronto, he met so many great artists from the music, dance and fashion industry. Mister Miguel is all about that triangle between those three art forms. That’s where he draws his inspiration from. He was on NBC in Season X of America’s Got Talent in May 2015. Alongside two other male dancers, Gabriel Doucet and Médric Fillion, they were performing SCREAM in Heels, a Diva Style dance trio in heels. He writes, composes and co-produces his original songs. His first single Boy Toy was performed for the first time at Fashion Art Toronto in 2016, in a Contemporary choreography signed Mister Miguel. He’s currently working on his first EP to be released in 2017. This EP is being created in close collaboration with music producers from Germany and Toronto, Canada. For more, follow @mister.miguel on Instagram and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mistermiguelcanada


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David Cash


Hair Direction

Makeup Direction

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David Cash