Photo-cubic Tableaux are large-scale photographic tableaux composed from many photographic prints, each individually shot and printed at life-size, 1:1-scale. With some works each image individually framed, and the many framed images are assembled edge-to-edge as large-scale installations for exhibition; with other works many photographic prints are layered onto panels. Other iterations are posted outdoors as photo-based urban art interventions across Canada and the US.
Simultaneously presenting a multiplicity of angles, views, perspectives, locations, diversity of ethnicity, gender, sexualities, persona, range of moods, and live actions unfolding over time. Photo-cubic Tableaux are informed by a childhood watching his filmmaker father editing celluloid film strips at the National Film Board; studying early Korean multiple-perspective stilllife painting; photographic explorations by Hockney, Snow, Gilbert & George, and Prince; and the painted Cubism of Picasso, Braque and Duchamp. What defines A01’s work apart from these pioneers is that each image is shot, printed and presented at true, 1:1-scale, life-size.
United Diversity Portraits abandon artificial distinction between people based on outmoded notions of difference. The program manifests hybrid images of people that are post-ethnicity, gender, -sexuality, -age, and -ability. Employing a non-discriminatory relation process collaboratively created on-site with the people featured that gives expression to the inclusive and distinction-free flux and ever-changing dynamic diversity of many people united.
Andrew Owen A01 is a visual artist who operated internationally in Korea, Japan and China for more than a decade. A01 most was recently invited to create new work at the Andy Warhol Preserve Artist Residency in Montauk, New York, supported by the Nature Conservancy and the Andy Warhol Foundation, and is now preparing exhibitions of the work in Chelsea New York City for 2021.
Runway Partners
Hair Direction
Makeup Direction
Event Partners
David Cash