Animated GIF series “Organs and other luxuries” explore structures of desire and the ever-shifting body under the capitalism. They were created by combining excerpts from medical books (such as instructions for surgical procedures, organ sewing, etc.) and fashion magazines (expensive gems, furs, etc.). Compositions resemble diagrams used in biology, e.g. how the organism functions, or the exchange of matter in nature, but in this case the organs of the human body are interchangeable with the objects/luxuries, alluding to the flow of capital, where everything has a price and bodies are just another consumer item.
Zorica Čolić holds an MFA in Electronic Integrated Arts (School of Art and Design, Alfred University NY, USA) and a BFA in Painting (Academy of Art, Novi Sad, Serbia). In 2016 she completed the Independent Study Program of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York and is a current fellow at the Bronx Museum of Art. Since 2001, she had several juried solo exhibitions at multiple venues in Belgrade, Serbia, and has been participating in group shows and residencies in Germany, Austria, Italy, USA, China, etc. She received several awards from Serbian Ministry of Culture, KulturKontakt Austria, DAAD Germany, etc. Her video installation is in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina in Serbia.
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David Cash